Press Releases for Accutane Lawsuit

  • 933

    New National Website Reaches Out To Millions Who Took Defective Acne Treatment Accutane

    New legal website is reaching out to Accutane victims needing representation for Accutane lawsuits in all 50 states.

    By : | 09-01-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 933

  • 982

    Acne Victims Are Helped With Makeovers, Lawsuits

    Makeup artist Heidi Schulze can cover blemishes caused by acne. But Roche Pharmaceuticals, maker of Accutane, can't cover up the harmful side effects of its defective acne medication whose bowel injuries are leading to victims' successful lawsuits.

    By : | 08-26-2010 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 982

  • 620

    PH Law Firm Announces New Accutane Lawsuit Website

    After confirmation of the link between Accutane and several diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, more than 5000 Accutane Lawsuit trials have been brought against the manufacturer of this drug. In case, you too have been diagnosed with any of above mentioned diseases and have taken Accutane in the past, you can file a lawsuit against the drug manufacturing company. The PH Law Firm has set up an Accutane Lawsuit website that provides answers to the m

    By : | 07-28-2011 | Legal Or Law:Legal Or Law | Total Views : 620

  • 658

    Acutane lawsuit and fosamax law suit and the professional firm

    this medicine was actually recommended by the pharmaceutical company to doctors and physicians to use in the case of Acne but later it was found that it is injurious to health and a serious threat to specially the young child and the pregnant women’s are at a greater risk.

    By : | 06-10-2011 | Legal Or Law:Legal Or Law | Total Views : 658